St. Gallen, in German Sankt Gallen, It is definitely a must see in this area of Switzerland. It is located in a valley between the Alps and Lake Constance to 210 kilometers from Bern and 85 km desde Zurich. It is the capital of the canton that bears his name and one of the cities of Switzerland is high altitude (705 m) in winter there is naturally meet a considerable amount of snow. As a curiosity may be mentioned buildings on stilts in some buildings around Valley Station, because they are built on land not entirely stable.
Monument greater equity is undoubtedly its baroque cathedral and the abbey library, included in the list of world heritage by the UNESCO in 1983. The historic center also offers an attractive route through a city with centuries of history and that is named after a missionary companion who comes to the region from Ireland, the monk St. Gallus.
Legend has it that St. Gallen would have made a peace pact with a bear that would have helped collect firewood to warm during cold journey to reach the place so icons St. Gallen with a bear and a piece of bread.
A mid-eighth century in the vicinity of the existing monks hermitage begin to develop a settlement and thereby build an abbey in which an important library will be included, the same that today can be visited at that time and takes great relevance, turning the city into a cultural center within Europe. St. Gallen canton would later founded the early nineteenth century, being already at that time a significant city from the ecclesiastical point of view, political and cultural.
Cathedral of San Gallo
First abbey began its construction in the early eighth century, being throughout its history enlarged and reformed several times. The present church began to be built in the mid eighteenth century around the tomb of St. Gallen. El templo es considerado una de las mayores muestras de arquitectura religiosa barroca monumental en su último periodo. Its plant is organized into perfect symmetry that gives harmony to the whole, It is rectangular with an apse at each end. The rotondo space occupies a central place where the altar is located four steps high ground level temple. In 1805 Abbey becomes Cathedral of the Diocese of St. Gallen.
On the dome splendid paintings depicting paradise with the Holy Trinity in the center and surrounded by saints. Floral motifs inside the temple symbolize a garden, a garden as a place where God puts first man and is present before him, a garden where life arose, a garden where the risen Lord appears to Mary Magdalene.
As well as the decoration of walls and roofs are full of symbolism are also the choir and furniture, as the confessionals along the side aisles with precious carvings that tell Bible stories.
The temple of the Cathedral of St. Gallen is the core of the assembly is arranged around a cloister. The temple itself is surrounded by various agencies that made the lives of the monks The Abbot, the lounge to eat, the kitchen, the bakery, Nursing, doctor's house, gardens, workshops, etc.
The church was restored and renovated on several occasions, The last major renovation took place between 2000 Y 2003.
abbey library
The library was founded as such to meet the education and teaching of the monks of the Benedictine monastery founded by St. Gallen in the early seventh century and the serious school with a cultural center recognized throughout Europe as well as being extremely busy. The current building construction began simultaneously with the church in the mid-eighteenth century.
Inside made in late Baroque style is of extraordinary beauty. Stucco and woodwork lining its walls in perfect harmony and delicacy. Has more than 170.000 volumes, but 2000 manuscripts and over 400 codes dating mostly in the year 1000, thus placing the great library of St. Gallen as one of the most important manuscript libraries worldwide. Among those volumes are history books music, Liturgy books, German language, of Medicine, history of law, etc. carefully written and illustrated volumes many of which can be seen today in the exhibition offered to visit the set.
Esta prohibido tomar fotografias dentro de la biblioteca. I reproduce here an image that was delivered on site.
The library opens its doors to the public from Monday to Saturday 10:00 a 17:00 hours and Sundays and holidays from 10:00 a 16:00 hours
More information on the official website of the library:
Imagenes del casco antiguo
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sources consulted obtained through information provided by the monuments themselves, museums and sites visited, Tourist Information Offices, uba-fau.