The stones have their value in mother nature that has given them their shape, dimensions, brightness and color and thus transmits us, through them, partly his energy.
With the passage of time the stone will be able to roll, erode, go from one place to another, resize, but it will always remain stone. That is how, so many great works of art have been carved in stone by artists of all time, so that with their natural strength they have a lasting life.
That is why giving a stone to whom we appreciate has the meaning of giving something pure, natural and that lasts in time.
Since a stone symbolizes strength and durability, when someone gives you a stone they will be telling you that the strength of their love is infinite and lasts forever. He will be opening his heart to you, making you see that for that person YOU are important. And so it will be, Of course, when the one who gives a stone is you.
Ana Lia doctor