Christmas It is a special time. Everyone lives differently this period, but with much in common. You will please us more or less, You can make us feel happy or nostalgic, but it is in these moments when we experience those traditions resurface children and that are passed down from generation to generation. For Catholics it takes real importance and lives spiritually. But besides the spirituality of the holidays and leaving aside the commercial side that accompanies them in many cases, many of these traditions are visible in the streets decorations, parks, plazas, our houses themselves and the stained glass colored dress, red, verdes, gold ....
The work of who carried out the design and implementation of these windows that adorn the cities is really admirable. Beyond the objective is to attract the attention of consumers, I would highlight those windows, in which one, but do not buy anything, It stops to contemplate with the simple goal of rejoicing view with so harmonious designs.
Here I present windows of some cities that have seemed to me ingenious, creative and really beautiful.
Baden, Switzerland
Lucerne, Switzerland
Vienna, Austrisa
Paris, France
Taormina, Italy
I think you can live Christmas spiritually, open your heart, find peace, live from religion and why not help admiring how beautiful these windows become, work done understand, with love.
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