Every day starting is a starting point. In each is headed toward the direction where. The same happens on every trip, at the start of the enthusiasm overwhelms us and encourages them to continue and descubir how wonderful this world has in store for us, enjoy it is also in each.

The latest publications of portALCiudad

Jerusalem, Tomb of the Virgin Mary

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In Jerusalem, neighbor to the Basilica of the Nations, also called Basilica of Gethsemane, at the foot of the Mount of Olives, This particular temple is located above the grotto that is traditionally known.. READ MORE

Art as therapy for the soul

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I am an architect and urban planner. Design is the soul of my career, and creativity is one of my qualities that is constantly evolving in me in all kinds of projects. By... READ MORE

Heritage that is lost…

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Heritage that is lost…. Heritage that is lost. Heritage that is lost. Heritage that is lost, Heritage that is lost, Heritage that is lost, we write from... READ MORE

Croatia, a coast to travel

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Part 1: arrival paths – Playa Kantrida, River. Croatia is an attractive and interesting place when thinking about summer vacations. Its location and geographical conformation give it the... READ MORE

The meaning of giving stones

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The stones have their value in mother nature that has given them their shape, dimensions, brightness and color and thus transmits us, through them, partly his energy. With the... READ MORE